Paper: Separating Propeller and Hull Performance with Thrust Measurements (by Vessel Performance Solutions)

By Rasmus Ruff and Kristian Bendix Nielsen, Vessel Performance Solutions


This paper presents the results of utilizing advanced propulsion models to isolate and evaluate the performance of a vessel’s hull and propeller individually. This is achieved by leveraging auto-log data, including thrust, torque and fuel measurements, alongside other real-life sensor data. Penalties caused by fouling and wear can thereby be attributed to either the hull or the propeller, supporting more informed operational decisions. To achieve this, a method proposed by Ballegoojen (2019) is used. This requires baselines for the thrust and torque of the vessel. This paper is investigating two different methods to create those baselines: the first is utilizing Vessel Performance Solutions’ inhouse ship performance Speed-Power models and the second is relying on propeller Open-Water curves and Model test data. The methods were tested on bulk carriers using real-life operational data. The models show that a separation can be achieved, further investigation is needed to improve the understanding of the correlation between the KPI’s.


Vessel Performance Solutions (VPS), a subsidiary of Ascenz Marorka, GTT Group smart shipping arm, is a leading provider of specialised vessel performance management, providing ship operators, owners and ship management companies tools to turn their performance data into decision support to improve the efficiency of their fleets. Vessel Performance Solutions ‘VESPER’ service is a cloud-based platform providing tools for optimizing operational efficiency through advanced modelling and analytics.


Start reading at p245

HullPIC 2025