06 Apr GTT continues to innovate in Smart Shipping
GTT continues to innovate in Smart Shipping with the launch of a cutting-edge Digital Solution for LNG Membrane Tank maintenance
Paris – Avril 6th, 2021. GTT has obtained Approval in Principle (AiP) from Bureau Veritas, a world leader in testing, inspection and certification. The Approval is related to smart shipping and the use of a digital solution for sloshing activity assessment in the Framework of Class Survey in order to optimise the LNG membrane tank maintenance frequency.
This smart shipping solution is based on GTT’s “Sloshing Virtual Sensor” technology, using the tank digital twin[1], also designed by GTT, and the real-time operational data of the floating units (FSRU[2], FLNG[3] and LNGC[4]) to monitor the evolution of critical parameters with regards to the tank integrity.
Combined with an appropriate risk analysis, the solution can support Alternative Survey Plans aiming at optimising the tank maintenance while complying with strict safety standards. This will translate into increased operational flexibility and substantial cost saving for the ship-owners.
Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT, said: “Artificial intelligence combined with the expertise of GTT’s teams has made it possible to develop a unique digital solution to optimise the frequency of tank maintenance, while guaranteeing the highest safety standard. With this new cutting-edge digital solution, GTT is putting its innovation and technological know-how at the service of ship-owners, in order to help them adapt to an increasingly demanding commercial environment.”
Matthieu de Tugny, Executive Vice President Marine & Offshore at Bureau Veritas, added: “Digitalization combined with artificial intelligence is a major transformation for the shipping industry bringing new challenges and opportunities. I am proud Bureau Veritas helped GTT to pioneer this digital solution for sloshing activity assessment in the framework of class survey (using sloshing model tests, real-time operational data and machine learning) with the highest safety standards. This demonstrates not only our technical expertise in the fields of sloshing for gas carriers but also our strong competencies in digitalization and artificial intelligence. Our role remains more than ever to help the industry understand – and address – both risk and opportunity as we look into future technologies.”
Media contact: press@gtt.fr / +33 (0)1 30 23 80 80 / https://gtt.fr/fr/contact
Investor Relations contact: information-financiere@gtt.fr / + 33 (0)1 30 23 20 87
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[1] Digital representation of an object or system
[2] Floating Storage and Regasification Units
[3] Floating Liquefied Natural Gas
[4] Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier